GameLab™ is a gamified learning management and content creation platform where teachers design, play, and share quests and badges to create personalized learning for their students.

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What is 3D GameLab?

GameLab™ is a gamified learning management and content creation platform where teachers design, play, and share quests and badges to create personalized learning for their students.

How does 3D GameLab work?

By earning experience points, badges, and achievements, players “level up” through the curriculum, choosing quests they want to play, with the ability to align to standards, including Common Core. Teachers turn class and the curriculum into a game, providing the opportunity for true mastery learning.

What grades can use 3D GameLab?

3D GameLab is used in kindergarten through graduate school in over 16+ countries!

How much experience or training do I need to use 3D GameLab?

3D GameLab® is also an educator learning community where we connect in the guild site, and at online and synchronous events during teacher camp, experiencing and creating engaging quest-based learning. Using 3DGL’s game mechanics, teachers learn to design, aggregate and track non-linear learning activities and pathways across multiple platforms and experiences, whether virtual, classroom-based or during informal learning events. Quests are aligned to national standards, ensuring that students are meeting requirements, but doing it in their way. We also embed teacher professional development in the platform using online teacher camps, and our teacher learning community, the Guild Site, providing a safe place to share, learn, and grow with other educators around the globe. Travel the path from newbie to master using participatory learning.

How does gamification work?

Instead of courses consisting mainly of textbook learning and lectures, classes built using game mechanics such as badges, experience points, levels and leaderboards, boost student engagement by allowing students to choose from “quests” and progress at their own pace through a series of educational activities.

Students are motivated due to personal choice and meaningfulness, real-time feedback, the ability to collaborate or compete, and over time, they learn stay persistent in learning due to prior successes. Quest tasks can range from listening to a podcast, collecting and analyzing real-time data, or watching a short video to partnering with a classmate for discussion or writing a short essay. As students complete each quest, they can level up to new assignments on their journey toward an “A.” Teachers have the ability to approve quests or put them on auto-approval so students can keep progressing while waiting for their teacher’s feedback on milestone work. Early research showed that on average students remained more persistent in quest-based learning™ compared to traditional assignments, with over 92 percent of students receiving “A’s,” and over 65 percent who continued to quest in a course after they already earned an “A.”

How does 3D GameLab compare to an LMS?

3D GameLab tracks student participation and completion of learning activities using experience points or xp, instead of traditional letter grades.

How much does 3D GameLab cost?

There are three ways to get started with 3D GameLab:

Free Trial Account

Educator Account: $9.95 per month: 3D GameLab teacher account, with 175 student seats, The Academy group to teach you how to use 3D GameLab, and the ability to play, create and share quests, build badges and rewards, access to the Quest Armory - all the great gamified content already in 3D GameLab, and more!

Legendary Educator Account: $20.42 per month includes everything in the Educator Account and adds Teacher Camps, which are three-week-long 3D GameLab-based professional development events that happen four times per year. This is more than twelve weeks of online, gamified professional development because there are several groups which you can join in each teacher camp. You can also earn professional development badges and credits via the Legendary Educator Account.

Is there research behind 3D GameLab?

Does Gamification Work (paper):

Attractive Quest Design

Can individual teachers use 3D GameLab with their class or classes?

What if I can’t login to 3D GameLab?